Corner any experienced diver into naming the destination they dream about and the answer will very likely be Raja Ampat. If they haven’t as yet been there, it is surely number one on their bucket list. And if they have indeed reveled in those lush aqua waters, they’re no doubt fantasizing about the day they can return.
The Indonesian archipelago of Raja Ampat lies in the Coral Triangle. This expanse of 40,000 square kilometers of marine territory and pristine reefs make these waters a diving haven second to none. Reputed to be the most bio diverse marine habitat on Earth, Raja Ampat is home to many species not found anywhere else. Spectacular, other worldly, the stuff of under-water revelries, Raja Ampat is irresistible to divers.
Having long been accessible primarily by live aboard, accommodation has evolved over the last few years as Raja Ampat’s sojourning options increase. Divers of all levels may be grateful that a variety of resorts and homestays are springing up on these remote islands. Finally, deep-sea adventurers the world-over can enjoy a range of options on how they spend their holidays.
While Raja Ampat was long a magnet for more experienced divers, the steady upsurge in offerings is attracting new devotees enchanted by the area’s holy grail of diving. Along with the growth of bed and board options, the array of visitors both on land and in the pristine waters is also on the increase. Long shut out of these beautiful waters, today’s guests might have beginner certifications with only a few dives under their belt. Some may be diving for the first time, while others may not be diving at all. But none of that is stopping visitors from making the well worth the effort journey to discover the wonders of this coveted region.
It may be difficult to imagine the breadth of Raja Ampat with its more than 1,500 small islands, cays, and shoals. One of the region’s jewels is the smaller but still sizeable island of Gam, separated from Waigeo, one of the four main islands, by a narrow passage. Easily accessible, Gam is in the heart of the Dampier Straight, which rightfully claims some of the most famous dive sites in the world.
Traversing Gam, fortunate beachcombers encounter a long, breathtaking strip of white sandy beach known locally as Pantai Yenanas. The beach is home to the Raja Ampat Biodiversity Resort, doubly favored by both nature and hosts. Imagine rising in the early morning and heading to your deck to be greeted by dolphins playing amid the gorgeous shades of varying deep blue sea. And all before your morning coffee or suiting up.
The Raja Ampat Biodiversity Eco Resort was dreamt up and designed by Rey Andaluz and Patricia Sanz. Originating from Spain, the ebullient, charming couple holidayed in Raja Ampat some five years ago in what turned out to be a life-changing trip. They became so enamored they knew at once this was the place to make their vision come alive.
Read the rest and the original article at http://www.indonesia.travel/gb/en/inspiration/travel-info/raja-ampat-a-paradise-in-an-unexplored-area-for-both-divers-and-nature-lovers .
Photo Source: inspirasi.co