Fitness Level
Very Easy
a relaxing experience, you don’t have to do anything physical unless you want to
only very easy physical activities involved, no preparation needed
an experience that will raise your hearbeat. Moderate physical fitness level required
serious physical activities involved. Good fitness level is a requirement and the fitter you are the more you will enjoy the experience
serious fitness level required as some of the experiences can be difficult and full of challenges. Get ready to pump your heart!

10:00 - 10.30 The Arrival
10:30 - 12:00 Visiting traditional Balinese Compound and Discover Small Farm Tracks
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch (Seasonal Organic Lunch)
13:00 - 16:00 Planting seeds of love, visiting local school and traditional bamboo temple
Taking a bath in the crystal clear river with hot spring.
16:00 Sayonara!
Please book in advanced to check on available tour and schedule
Setelah anda melakukan pembayaran, Yellowdoor akan mengirimkan voucher dalam bentuk pdf atau dikiriman melalui pos sesuai dengan pemesanan anda.
Once you purchase your experience, we will deliver your voucher by pdf/ by mail according to your chosen method.
Hubungi penyedia jasa yang tertera didalam voucher dengan menyebutkan kode voucher dan tentukan tanggal pemesanan.
Contact the Experience Provider as listed in the voucher, quote your voucher code and make your booking.
Datanglah sesuai dengan tanggal pemesanan dengan voucher anda dan selamat bersenang - senang.
Come on the booking day with your voucher and have fun creating new memories.